
SEE: Smile. Eye Contact. Enthusiasm.

You walk into a new environment and first impressions are make or break. Like it or not, you only get one chance and there is one simple way to start positive from the get go.

Smiling is powerful. If done correctly, can put a person at ease. Not only that, it encourages positive notes during the start of an introduction.

Eye Contact
Making eye contact is to grab one's attention. So whatever you address or how you present yourself, you are directing it to those you make eye contact with. Not only that, it exudes confidence to who you are directing it to, but also empowers you to take initiative.

A good quote from Ralph Waldo Emmerson, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Enthusiasm is the attitude which determines how well you do what you're putting effort towards.

Each of these techniques are powerful and simple ways that sets up how you influence others in your first impression. Put together, they amplify each other. Separately, they can never produce a more powerful impression.

Imagine just smiling, but not making eye contact. Not having enthusiasm with a smile and eye contact can be read by others as flat. Even having misplaced enthusiasm without a smile or eye contact doesn't seem genuine.